The Guardian employ garden snake as new fact-checking editor

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SYDNEY, NSW – The Guardian Australia news service have taken the unusual step of appointing a garden snake to head up their ‘fact-checking’ division.

Chief editor, Lenore Taylor, expressed her excitement to be working closely alongside the new addition to the team.

“We had heard about his previous extraordinary work in the garden, with his famous debunking of the fundamentalist-driven fake news around poisonous fruit.”

“We knew that his talents would fit right in at our newspaper, and we hope our readers will have their eyes opened – knowing good and evil

The snake also came highly recommended by former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, who had assisted in the original creation of Guardian Australia in 2013.

“I cannot speak highly enough of this snake’s ambition, persuasiveness, independence and creativity,” Mr Turnbull expressed.

“I have complete faith that he will twist perfectly into this new role, and I look forward to tasting the fruit of his research.”

There are questions however around the appointment, particularly with a lack of evidence of the snake’s previous employment history and experience.

The snake however responded that he had ‘been around the media space for many decades’ and even had close personal friendships with a number of significant news titans such as Rupert Murdoch.

Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more media industry news. For further theological discussion around the snake and the garden, check out this article by the Gospel Coalition.

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