Rainbow bus refuses passengers, claims to identify as motorcycle

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CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA — A local Government’s reintroduction of public transport services has hit a snag after their flagship rainbow bus, introduced to support same sex marriage, has stoutly refused to take any more passengers.

The Chief Minister, Andrew Barr, released a statement regarding the unfolding situation.

“We have talked to the vehicle in question, and it appears that it now desires to fully identify itself as a motorcycle.

“Therefore, for safety reasons, it is only willing to carry a single person which can naturally only be the driver.”

“As a progressive Government that encourages diversity in all areas, we applaud the courage and determination of this vehicle in declaring to the world who they really are.”

“This motorcycle will continue to serve as a powerful symbol of the wisdom springing forth from our city.”

When Damascus Dropbear asked about the practicalities of the bus identifying as a motorcycle, and the issues around being unable to provide actual public transport services, the Chief Minister responded with clear frustration.

“That is just bigotry pure and simple.”

“Obviously, there will be no changes in the employment status of the motorcycle who will remain on their route and receive payment equal to buses doing a similar job.”

It is further reported that other municipal vehicles are exploring similar transitions, including a police car claiming to be a garbage truck, and a fire engine who always felt more like a rescue helicopter.

Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more transport news. For a Christian perspective on the ‘rainbow movement’, see this piece by the Gospel Coalition.

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