Prosperity preacher resigns after inaccurate 2020 prophecy

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ADELAIDE, SA — A well-known prosperity preacher has resigned from his position at the Miracle World Tabernacle Church after ‘prophesying’ that 2020 was going to be ‘Australia’s most economically prosperous year’ in a century.

Pastor Matthew California, aka Matty C, formerly resigned to church eldership on Monday, saying that ‘he had to spend some time reflecting on the worth of his prophetic gifting’. 

Pastor California sparked controversy when he preached a sermon on December 8th, 2019 entitled: ‘2020 vision and the wealth of God’, where he guaranteed all of his parishioners that their tithe offering from that day’s service would increase 10-fold by the end of the year.

In the sermon recording, still available on the church’s website at time of writing, Pastor California is heard paraphrasing Matthew 25:29, otherwise known as the Parable of the Talents.

“Jesus said those who give will be given more, and they will have in abundance. The Lord has told me directly that 2020 will be one of great wealth for Australia.”

“I prophecy that riches will flare up across the land, wealth will spread like an infection through all communities, and every citizen will have the freedom to move around wherever they want and work their dream job.”

“Not only that but the federal budget surplus will be the largest in the country’s history – and you can take that to the bank!”

The eldership has apologised to the congregation and offered financial support for any in need. They have indicated that Matthew California will remain in their congregation, but will not return to a leadership position until further biblical and theological studies have been completed.

Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more prophetic news. For further information about the prosperity gospel, see this article by the Gospel Coalition.

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