Crack journalists uncover more horror as Christian schools found to be delivering Christian teaching

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BELROSE, NSW – Journalists at the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) have published an incredible investigative report after Christian schools were discovered to be delivering Christian teaching, and in some shocking cases, practicing Christian principles.

Fresh off the back of their recent award-winning investigation, which discovered a ring of Christian churches actually delivering Christian teaching and living Christian lives, the journalists were outraged to find out that such horrific events were also happening in schools across the country.

“We really didn’t believe it ourselves at first,” indicated one SMH journalist, Ben Millar.

“The fact that the teachings of Jesus on marriage and sexuality was being practiced right under our noses for so many years was really a shock.”

“They even had the gall to expect that their staff would also be practicing Christians, living that out even in their private lives.”

“I’m just glad we exposed this whole rotten system when we did.”

A number of politicians were also outraged by the findings, indicating that this was why an ‘Anti-Religious Discrimination Bill‘ was required.

“I just cannot believe that in the 21st century we have schools that actually practice what they preach!” said Queensland MP Warren Entsch.

“I learnt very early on the dangers and harm caused by integrity, and that lesson has made me the successful politician that I am today.”

“We don’t care what these schools teach from the Bible, freedom of religion and all that, as long as they don’t dare to actually try and live out!”

It is further reported that a number of Christian schools have encouraged their students to stop practicing Christian values altogether, and are now pushing fresh sets of school values which include selfishness, lying, cheating, greed and the reintroduction of slavery.

Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more education updates. To read about the dangers facing Christian schools, see this piece by David Hastie.

The Damascus Dropbear exists to develop satirical news which helps people laugh, then think, about theology, culture, church and politics from a biblical worldview. Our mission is to help others to engage with the Bible, explore questions around religion, and ultimately see Christian principles and ethics inform our society. If you would like to support our project click here.

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