ABC announce alphabet now only to be taught up to ‘W’ after ban on Elon Musk’s ‘X’ platform

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ULTIMO, SYDNEY – In an unusual move that has left parents and educators scratching their heads, ABC’s beloved Play School program has decided to only teach the alphabet letters up to W in order to avoid any potential connections to Elon Musk’s enigmatic ‘X’ Twitter platform.

The decision comes as a precautionary measure to prevent any unintentional endorsement of the tech mogul’s social media platform, after the ABC network announced it was reducing its presence on the platform.

The decision to omit the letters after ‘W’ was reached after a series of meetings between Play School producers and ABC executives.

“The ABC understands the anxiety this may cause for parents in the removal of the end of the alphabet,” said ABC managing director, David Anderson.

“But we cannot risk being associated with any symbols that may or may not contribute to Musk’s ‘free speech ‘X’ Twitter platform.”

“We are not too worried though, as we still have the letters L, G, B, T and I to teach the children.”

“Plus, it has the added benefit of avoiding difficult conversations around X and Y chromosomes.”

“We should also note that the letter ‘W’ is also being reviewed due to ongoing difficulties explaining to kids the definition of the word ‘Woman’.

Some parents are baffled by the decision, some questioning whether the Play School’s beloved Humpty Dumpty character could be rebranded as ‘Humpto Dumpto’ to fit the new world letter order.

Elon Musk, however, seemed unperturbed by the entire situation. In a tweet that left the world both amused and bewildered, he wrote,

“No worries, mates.”

“I’m pretty sure your entire ABC staff will revolt against the decision after realising that without an X they can no longer look up pornography, or catch a few Z’s, on the taxpayer dime.”

“I guess there will have to be a new leading fake news outlet on the X platform”

The Damascus Dropbear has reportedly put in their self-nomination directly to Mr Musk.

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