Wise men seen visiting pregnant woman arrested for Facebook post

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BALLARAT, VIC – Three wise men have been observed visiting pregnant woman Zoe-Lee Buhler after a viral video spread of her arrest.

Police officers yesterday came into Ms Buhler’s home and handcuffed her in front of her children, informing her that a Facebook post she had made attempting to organise a protest was ‘incitement’ under the new emergency laws.

The live-streamed event has been viewed millions of times, and report are now coming in that three wise men have arrived from the north bearing gifts for Ms Buhler and her unborn child.

The wise men included TV personality Sam Newman, who contributed a golden football;

Federal Politician Craig Kelly, who humbly gifted a vial of hydroxychloroquine;

And radio commentator Alan Jones, who offered to anoint the child as a Sky News prophet.

Ms Buhler spoke to media this morning, explaining that before the event she had been by an heavenly host who informed her that she was chosen for such a time as this.

“An angel visited me and said that I was to give birth a Son who would preach the good news to the unemployed, release the captives from lockdown, free them from oppressive politicians, and help the blind to see the truth about COVID-19.”

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