Revival breaks out at Schoolies after punch spiked with sacramental wine

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GOLD COAST, QLD – The have been concerning reports of a Christian revival breakout at Schoolies after alleged sacramental drink spiking.

Schoolies is a popular, and often raucous, set of events for school leavers held up in tropical Queensland each year.

Father Deon Tran,  a volunteer with the popular Red Frogs project, spoke to the Damascus Dropbear about the new initiative.

“Usually we are just giving out Red Frogs to show love and support to the schoolies – which was really popular and a good way to keep them safe.”

“But then we thought we could perhaps push it a little further by handing out some red redemption, keeping them safe from the fires of hell as well.”

“So we have been secretly going all over the schoolies events and blessing the beer, turning the wine into worship, and pouring liquid Pentecost into the punch.”

“They are getting drunk anyway, I say, why not get them drunk on our Spirit instead?”

The impact has been significant, with reports all over Schoolies of people who have come to the faith as a result of the salvation spike.

DD managed to interview a range of transformed individuals who were more than happy to share their testimonies.

“I don’t know exactly what happened last night but I’m now I am fully born again! And I tell you what, Jesus is the best hangover I’ve every had!” Sandy Brooks, 18.

“I woke up, sprawled out on a picnic table, and then just saw this guy in white who said to me in a beautiful voice, ‘Today you will be with me in Surfer’s Paradise’.” Carl Jenkins, 17.

“Hallelujah!!!” yelled Matt Gunter 19, while jumping off a balcony into a pool for his baptism.

It has further been reported that the police are really confused as to whether any laws have been broken, and have been overwhelmed after being inundated with confessions from all the Schoolie lawbreakers.

Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more Schoolies news. To see the actual great work of Red Frogs, check them out here.

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