Image Credits: Red Rooster (edited)
Red Rooster introduces ‘Jesus Burger’ to improve Sunday sales
CHATSWOOD, NSW – Australian fast food chain, Red Rooster, have announced the addition of a new Jesus burger to their menu.
The company released a statement indicating that the burger was part of a new strategy to help reach the ‘religious’ markets and increase weekend sales.
CEO Clint Ault, indicated he was excited to launch such a history-splitting burger.
“This new Jesus burger brings redemption directly from your taste buds to your tummy.”
“The bread and patty are both 100% Body of Christ, but unfortunately the cheese slice means it is not entirely kosher.”
“We have even employed priests in our kitchen to sanctify the products and administer it as communion drive-through for those who freely choose.”
“We know there are some critics who would accuse us of having an ‘unworthy manner‘, but we would simply encourage them to ‘taste and see that the Lord is good‘.”
Youtube food personality, 2Aussie, reviewed the Red Rooster Jesus burger on his channel:
“I must confess, at first glance the Jesus burger didn’t look like anything particularly special – it had the same outward appearance as any other burger.”
“However, once I munched on the Eucharist patty I could really taste the salvation.”
“This burger version of the Lord’s Supper filled me with a real sense of God’s peace and I felt lighter – which is unusual after eating a fast food.”
“Even the special ‘Lamb’s Blood of Christ‘ sauce had a real purifying kick to it. I’m sold.”
It is further reported that Red Rooster are allegedly wiping all individual restaurant debts after the burgers are consumed, but have made clear that it is a limited time only offer.
Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more fast food news. To read more about the Lord’s Supper, see this delicious piece by the Gospel Coalition.