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Bloggers announce Masterclass in ‘Fellow Christian slander’
BRISBANE, QLD – A Christian blogger coalition has announced that they will be hosting a world-first Masterclass course in how to effectively slander fellow Christians in the public sphere.
The move comes amidst increasing tension and disagreement on how Christians should engage politics and culture, with recent high profile events such as the #LetHimPlay campaign and ACL boss Martyn Iles’ #QandA appearance creating an online wars of words.
Anointed head blogger, Nigel Freeman, indicated that the group felt it was important that Christians were well trained and equipped in how best to attack their co-workers in Christ.
“We are putting on this Masterclass as a way to assist those Christians who feel especially called to throwing fellow believers under the bus in public.”
“It is now becoming apparent that if a particular Christian leader doesn’t fit your own narrow idealistic model of how to engage publicly, then the only recourse is to abuse them online with holy hatred.”
“As deeply experienced professionals in godly slander, we are now offering our malevolent missionary skills to any who seek to do God’s work by undermining other courageous followers of Jesus.”
The Masterclass runs over 4-weeks and claims to bring together the very best in bitter theologians, Christian trolls, and progressive prophets, who will all share their experiences and vast wisdom in the field.
“One of the keys to effective social slander is to argue that the reason Christians in the public sphere are being so maligned is that they aren’t being winsome enough,” Freeman continued.
“Then you can move on to claim that they don’t speak for every Christian, and that they should be talking more about the poor and oppressed.”
“Finally, you verbosely declare that you forgive them for their theological ignorance, before demanding they approach you for more ‘dialogue’.”
It has been further reported that the bloggers are also developing Bible study resources that show how Bible characters like Moses and Aaron, Elijah and Obadiah and Peter and Paul all utilised these techniques to undermine and abuse each other in the name of the Lord.
Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more blogger news. For further discussion around Christians and criticism, see this piece by the Gospel Coalition.