BaptistCare release health advice warning against baptism for people under 18

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BRISBANE , QLD – BaptistCare CEO, Rev Jeannette Young, has fronted a defiant press conference to defend her comments about whether people under 18 should be getting baptised.

Reverend Young, made clear her view on people under the age of 18 getting baptised – don’t do it.

“I don’t want a baby in Queensland drowning from a baptism who, if they waited until 18, probably would’ve survived,” Rev Young emphatically stated.

“Child-baptism is an unnecessary risk, and my research shows doesn’t really lead to salvation anyway without a personal faith informed consent.”

“We also have evidence that child-baptism has a high rate of ‘belief-clotting’, with many who are baptised as children going on to show immunity problems to worldly and non-biblical infections.”

The comments have however received opposition from the Catholic Church, who are adamant that child baptism is not only safe, by necessary for healthy redemption.

“The risk of a drowning occurring in child baptism is less than 1-in-100,000, which is a perfectly reasonable risk considering the significant benefit of salvation,” said Catholic Care spokesperson Father Morrison Scott.

“Obviously we don’t want to override any baby ‘conscientious objectors’, as they should have personal autonomy on matter of faith.”

“But I do have concerns that BaptistCare might be simply stoking youth ‘anti-baptism’ fears to further their own theological agenda.”

It is further reported that the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney has said that anyone who is under 18 has legal access to their baptisms, but indicated that all Anglican priests would receive indemnity against any adverse reactions.

Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more baptism news. For further discussion around infant baptism, see this piece by the Gospel Coalition.

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