NEW YORK, NY – In a stunning turn of events, former...
Christian Husband Convinced “Wives, Submit to your Husbands” includes always letting him win at Monopoly
PERTH, WA – In a stunning revelation at the weekly...
Government releases guidelines around Nazi salute ban
CANBERRA, ACT – In a bold move to eradicate all forms...
BOM announces extreme weather conditions for the next few years
SYDNEY, NSW – In breaking news, it appears that...
Church Offers Drive-through Confessionals for Sins on the Go
DENVER, CO – In a world where convenience is king, one...
Senator Thorpe given yellow card after ‘diving’ during protest event
CANBERRA, ACT – In a shocking turn of events at a...
Church Hosts ‘Bring Your Own Sermon Sunday’. Mass Chaos ensues.
ADELAIDE, SA – In a bold move to encourage...
Premier Andrews Denies Claim he Dressed a Christian Woman up as a Nazi in order to burn her
MELBOURNE, VIC – Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has...
Melbourne University to offer courses in genderless math where numbers are replaced by emojis
MELBOURNE, VIC – In a shocking move, the University of...
Study shows that baptisms performed in swimming pools are 50% more effective at saving souls
CAPE TOWN, SA – In a groundbreaking new study,...
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