Image Credits: ABC logo (edited)
ABC to remove ‘Australia’ from name in act of protest
ULTIMO, NSW – In a dramatic change, the ABC has announced it is dropping the word ‘Australia’ from its name as part of its strong objection to the upcoming Australia Day controversy.
The formerly known Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), was reprimanded by the Federal Communications Minister, Paul Fletcher, after an Australia Day/Invasion Day events headline sparked upset.
In response, the former ABC stuck to their guns and then went further to announce their official name change:
“As highly intelligent journalists we are no longer content to ignore the grand injustice of the name Australia and the oppression it represents,” Managing Director, David Anderson, said in a statement.
“We will henceforth be referring to ourselves simply as the Broadcasting Association, or B.C. for short.”
Reaction to the name change has been mixed. Most white, inner-city 20-30 year olds were highly supportive of the change, with the majority of other indigenous and non-indigenous Australians suggesting it was ‘really dumb’.
A number of Christian scholars have pointed out that there could be some confusion due to the common and traditional usage of the acronym ‘B.C.’ referred to the period before the period 0 A.D., known as ‘Before Christ’.
Mr Anderson explained however that the problem had already been thought through:
“Pretty much all of our news and media content intentionally ignores Australia’s Christian heritage, underlying Christian values, the Bible, and the general existence of Christian people anyway.”
“Therefore, even with the double meaning, it makes complete sense for us to report news from the perspective of ‘Before Christ’.”
It is further reported that the other national broadcaster, the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), is also considering a name change, after it was revealed that it is no longer in any way ‘special’.
Sign up to the Damascus Dropbear for more news updates. For an article around the ABC and Christianity, see this piece in Christianity Today.